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Christina Sadler

art that captures moments of mindfulness

I'm Christina Sadler an artist based in Gloucester, UK. Life can be so hectic, with a million things racing in your head, finding a balance and taking a moment to pause can be difficult. 


The act of painting forces me to slow down, making me live in the present and by doing so i’m able to forget any worries and find a sense of peace.


Being creative offers times of mindfulness and my finished works reflect these moments of calm.


The paintings I create serve as a reminder, a physical presence in your world to encourage you to pause and focus on what you need. 



This collection looks at the meditative value of looking towards a horizon. A blend of muted colours, each painting depicts a different horizon scene, finding a moment of peaceful respite. 


Turbulence Series

This collection reflects the ever-changing mood of nature in art form. Featuring pieces that show the passing storms and the catharsis they bring, each work is a unique and raw expression of the natural world.

Curated for You

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art inspired by the natural world

The natural world is uncertain and changeable; seasons, the tide, storms there is nothing we can do to change these events but we can find ways to protect ourselves.


During my painting process, I mimic this loss of control by allowing the material to flow and drip, but then I carefully repair and rebuild areas by removing and altering layers.


It serves as a comfort to realise, in life, you can't control everything, only how you react. 

The art is unique and stunning.
I get lost in each piece 


i believe creativity can make you feel better

I am passionate about the benefits of art and creativity. I paint for my own mental wellbeing but I also teach others how to find relaxation through painting. I love nature and this inspires my art, my paintings create a serene atmosphere and give people that much needed tranquility.  

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unique art

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"I have a large canvas painting and it really is the focal point of the house. We constantly have compliments on how amazing it is"

Inspiration Blog

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